Friday, January 2, 2015

Happy Year of "1" and "Quotes"

"We NEVER go out of style."

But we may or may not.

*Disclaimer my 3:00am grammar is def not on squad today. 

It's 2k15 and I may or may not still be a dance teacher. I may or may not still have a shopping addiction and I may or may not still be living this comedy horror story day by day. But I'm pretty sure all of these statements are still true. New year, same lost Alexa Moffett soul. Partly due to not feeling like myself recently. Partly because the completion of my work has been such a blur. Lastly because there has been quite a few big changes in my life and although they are for the better, change is new. Don't get me wrong I am grateful for change, I think that life is unpredictable. If you feel too secure in your surrounding's then something new must come your way. Maybe that's just my preference but it works. 

Before I vent more about my confusion entering the New Year, ex. the struggle to buy the Prada or schedule the private lessons (I'm kidding), you must know about my recent obsession. T-SWIFT HERSELF. People I don't care if you're a music fan or nah you must hop on my fangirling moment here. My 2nd moment since Andi Dorfman of the Bachelorette. (PS if any of you have a connection to her I will give you free solos for life.) But simply Taylor is a great lady. In my next life I hope to be half as great as her. Besides having 1989 on repeat since it leaked on YouTube, I admire her commitment to her lifestyle. I wish that I could sit down at Starbucks and girl talk for hours about the power of passionate, hard working, young women and how they are completely changing the world everyday. Specifically our generation. As you can see I really think highly and look up to her. I hope that in my somewhat lost life I can find it in myself to become one of those women. Maybe not on her level but I will give up anything it takes to achieve this goal.

Do you ever feel like you're taking 2 steps forward and 3 steps back? Well I feel like I'm taking .1 steps forward and 19 steps back. I can't seem to get a grip on my life. So I think that will be my NY's resolution. I'm not quite sure what you would name that but if it gets me back on my feet then it's done. I feel as if I'm caught up in so many different "me's" that I'm not sure which life I want to excel at. Guys it really is hard. It's almost like I have multiple personalities and am playing a large game of #AlexaMoffettLife. Wow. *Word of the year. That was very dramatic. But really all I'm asking of you Alexa is to be 3 people at once and 9 places at once. 

Words of the year:



Adding "INTENSE" to every sentence

You should use them. Esp "wow" it comes in handy for everything. Wow.

Don't you hate when you're misunderstood? Why must it be necessary to constantly think someone is out to get you? I for one am extremely honest with what I think. Once again the Leo in me. I do what I feel is priority to me. Which is almost 100 percent of the time putting other people before myself. If I think something I'll say it. I constantly live by "if you don’t want the truth than don’t ask."

On a scale of 1 to 10 how bad would a 3:11am taco be right now?

I am very fortunate for the unbelievable opportunities I have in my life. I am humbled by the interest for my work and that truly is an amazing feeling. Sometimes I am overwhelmed but then I remember what if my life wasn’t like this? What if I was a normal 21 year old hanging on at the bar searching for in the moment love? 

TBH haven't opened any of my Christmas gifts. I don't like things given to me, I just like giving. So if you want them please stop by between the hours of 1:00am and 5:00am tomorrow. 

I do this insane thing called "search for quotes that apply to your life and screenshot every one until you fill your camera roll." It's quite the job. But these quotes get me through my days. Some of my favorites for the new year...

"How will you know if it's the right decision if you never make it?"
"You are going to come across people in your life who will inspire you, love you, and change you. And that is a rare thing, but every once in awhile you will come across someone who will completely rob you from your sleep and those are the people who are just too beautiful to put into words." -R.M. Drake
"I may be crazy, but all the best people are."

Highlight's of 2k14:

  • #theintensive
  • Latch
  • iPhone count 12+
  • KalaniAddy is born
  • DigiTour
  • 1989
  • Teen Choice 
  • Finally 21 (Old)
  • RED
  • Having a friend boy for .5 seconds
  • AGT
  • Vegas Nationals
  • Creation of baby minis
  • Prada on fleek 
  • You guys

I COULDN'T IMAGINE MY LIFE W/O YOU ALL. Mostly because if you're reading this you think that I'm joking but really this is my electronic life vomit that I love sharing with this insane world. Please comment what you want on this blog. I try to keep up and as soon as my new aromatherapy candle is lit I will get on it. Wow.


  1. I love this blog and what I love even more is that you're obsessed with Taylor Swift! Swifties for life!! Keep writing, I love seeing a different side to you <3. - From an English/Australian girl who once talked to you on omegle :)

    1. THANK YOU! I hope to someday meet you. XOXOXO!

  2. I just want to say that you have been inspiring me since I first heard about you in 2013 and I know that will continue in 2015! I love your blog posts, they always somehow relate to my life and inspire me. I'm 19 and a dancer and dance teacher with big dreams and I've always felt like I would never be good enough, but you're definitely part of the reason that I've been motivated to keep trying, and have made so much progress! Just wanted to say thank you, happy new year and please write more blogs!

    1. Know that with a little hard work and A LOT of belief you can do anything you set your mind to. The dance teacher life is more ups and downs then you can imagine. Plus the bad days behind and I always say "You're as happy as you want to be." Remember your worth and think bigger then your dreams! Thank you for your support I couldn't do it without you. Hope to meet up someday and talk dance mom stories! Hehe!

  3. I love reading this little insight into your beautiful mind! You're such an inspiration and Brooklynn has always looked up to you! I would be proud if she grew up like you ❤ Following your heart and passion is never wrong!

    1. Thank you! You have a special girl and I appreciate you all! XOXOXOXO

  4. πŸŽ€πŸŽ€πŸŽ€πŸŽ€Please ReadπŸŽ€πŸŽ€πŸŽ€πŸŽ€πŸŽ€
    Hi Alexa, my name is Keren and I am 15 year old dancer from Florida. I wish to only be half the person you are. Your personality as well as your choreography amaze me more each time I watch it. I sometimes attempt your combos but I am no where near as good as your kids. I would much rather fly to Arizona to meet you and club dance pre pro than go to a Demi Lovato (my favorite artist) concert for a present or something. If I could me you and club dance pre pro even if it was just over dm or text or web cam I would die. I am fangirling just writing this. If you have read this please respond it would mean the absolute world to me!!!

    1. I couldn't do it without you. You inspire me to keep working hard and creating the best I can! We would love to meet you! It's never to late for your dreams so never give up!

    2. OMG I don't even think you understand that you just made my dreams come true by even reading my comment never mind replying to it

  5. Hi Alexa! I love your choreography and am super excited that you are thinking about blogging more :)
    It would just be interesting to know more about your life in general. What is your relationship like with Addy/ the rest of your family? How did you meet Molly? How did you meet Abby? Whats the secret to why your so great with kids (you seem like your their friend yet very disciplined with them at the same time(? Do you still ever stretch? As an older sister, would you want Addy to go into being involved in dance when she gets older or do her own thing? What has been the "highlight" of your career so far? What do you struggle with, but still do anyways? If you weren't a dance teacher/involved in the dance industry what do you think you would do?
    Or another idea would to be to do one of those lists that ask you a bunch of random questions!
    I am your same age and think that you are really a great role model to inspire others to take chances, work hard and follow their dreams! You are creating a life that you love and you will be rewarded for that :)

    1. TY so much for your message! I am going to write more about this! I was once told that I could never do it, so I did. I am so happy to inspire you and hope someday to meet you! XOXO!

  6. Hey Alexa! First of all I have been following you for the past 3-4 years and adore all of your choreography. I was so happy when you started your blog so that I could read more about your life and how you started as a dancer. What I would like to see is more about that last few years that have passed, the story on how you started as a dance teacher and where you find inspiration to create the wonderful pieces that you make each year. I am a dancer and young choreographer myself and look up to you immensely. Keep doing what you're doing because you've already inspired more people than you could you ever imagine. I look forward to seeing what you're going to write next on here and I can guarantee that I will read it as soon as it comes out. Happy 2015!
    With love from Canada
    Kaelie πŸ’•

    1. This message inspired me to write my recent Facebook post. I honestly can never thank you enough for your support! I hope to continue inspiring you to create and fulfill your dreams! "Judge your success by what you had to give up in order to get it." XOXO!

  7. Alexa,
    Your choreography is so inspiring! I am 19, and teach and choreograph for a competitive company as well. Your blogs are so relatable, and remind me so much of myself! There are not many people who understand, and can relate to this lifestyle. I would love to hear any advice you have for someone who is just starting out, or any experiences or difficulties you faced when you first started out. And also about who inspires you aside from your students. I look forward to seeing your new pieces this year, and want to thank you for being such an amazing role model! I hope I can become half the choreographer you are!
