Thursday, January 22, 2015

Too tired to handle.

Save the drama for 2:05am blogs.

Without too much 2:00am drama I am on the verge of nervous breakdown. Writing this via bed with iPhone while obnoxiously coughing due to lack of sleep, poor eating habits, and taking care of my body. Wished on 11:11 for a day off. But mostly stressed because being a Leo, leadership is important to me. Therefore causing extreme perfectionism when it comes to my commitments. I've been putting a lot of pressure on myself lately to push myself to improve and be challenged and trying to stay positive about my goals. Pray to the dance gods I will find enough hours/coffee in the day to get through these wild work and hair days. 

When you have the brain of an 85 year old woman. 

I have this insane problem of poor memorization. Like guys I have googled my symptoms and almost think it's diagnosable. This is an extreme problem with my lifestyle! First of all it makes choreography without a youngin almost impossible. Then 5 to 10 new texts per hour, 180 unread Facebook messages, and we all know the struggle of 23,105 unread emails. Don't get me started on that. I can't keep anything straight. Therefore this is causing me extreme aging and help is needed fast before my hair is gray. I think I need to hire an assistant. All applicants will have full access to my hoarding of clothes and unlimited Starbucks if chosen to assist. ;) 

I'm signing off due to my ability to type complete sentences. Will write a blog of current events and how to not break your Instagram within a few days. Love you all and hope your days are riding smoother than mine! 


  1. I appreciate so much you taking the time to let us look into your life. And with the emails I have so many unread emails that my parents are starting to get virus emails supposedly from me. With dance, work/school, and family like it can be stressful. Just like my huge tests are the Monday after a busy weekend full of commitments. Anyway I know the masterclass is tomorrow but I don't live in Arizona so I can't go. I was wondering if you could maybe put some streching tutorials on your YouTube channel when you get the chance. I'm a dancer and I live on the east coast so I don't have access to your classes and the club dance dancers all seem to be extremely flexible. Please respond as it would mean the world to me. Just know even though it's hard sometimes you inspire so many people. You along with all of pre pro are my dancepiration (my inspiration to dance) Anyway Love from Fl!!!

  2. Alexa! I absolutely adore your blog. I'm 20 years old, have never danced a day in my life (though I did have a short fling with figure skating in middle school that does NOT need to be talked about), and can honestly say that I want to be you when I grow up.

    Your humility and appreciation for honest hard work are both inspiring and a stunning example of character for your peers, dancers, and fellow twenty-something's with the brains of old ladies (like myself) to follow. The love you have for your work and students is a rare commodity and is clearly reciprocated in all directions from those you teach. Your dancers are lucky to have you as a friend and mentor.

    You responded to my snapchat once (which basically makes us besties, am I right?) but I truly hope I have the opportunity to meet you in real life.

    Speaking of, I am a photographer currently in the works of building my business, so if you're ever in the Seattle area..... (Winky face emoji) I would love to work with you and your students.

    Keep doing you, lady. You slay.
    Much love from Seattle
