Thursday, January 22, 2015

Too tired to handle.

Save the drama for 2:05am blogs.

Without too much 2:00am drama I am on the verge of nervous breakdown. Writing this via bed with iPhone while obnoxiously coughing due to lack of sleep, poor eating habits, and taking care of my body. Wished on 11:11 for a day off. But mostly stressed because being a Leo, leadership is important to me. Therefore causing extreme perfectionism when it comes to my commitments. I've been putting a lot of pressure on myself lately to push myself to improve and be challenged and trying to stay positive about my goals. Pray to the dance gods I will find enough hours/coffee in the day to get through these wild work and hair days. 

When you have the brain of an 85 year old woman. 

I have this insane problem of poor memorization. Like guys I have googled my symptoms and almost think it's diagnosable. This is an extreme problem with my lifestyle! First of all it makes choreography without a youngin almost impossible. Then 5 to 10 new texts per hour, 180 unread Facebook messages, and we all know the struggle of 23,105 unread emails. Don't get me started on that. I can't keep anything straight. Therefore this is causing me extreme aging and help is needed fast before my hair is gray. I think I need to hire an assistant. All applicants will have full access to my hoarding of clothes and unlimited Starbucks if chosen to assist. ;) 

I'm signing off due to my ability to type complete sentences. Will write a blog of current events and how to not break your Instagram within a few days. Love you all and hope your days are riding smoother than mine! 

Sunday, January 4, 2015

I think my candle is giving me inspiration.

Honestly though, aromatherapy is the way to go.

Writing this post a little tired but mostly inspired. Haha rhyming blog post count 2. It's a stress relief candle although I don't believe in stressed. "You're as happy as you want to be." Today I danced a lot, slept a little, and ate too much. But actually the dancing was the highlight. I had solo choreography with two students. Both very different. One a new younger student and one old soul that has grown with me through my ups and downs. But at the same time they both gave me the same feeling. Determination. Having hungry and positive dancers blows my mind. They made me love my job even more. I honestly do my work for my students. I definitely wouldn't stay in this business for anything else besides the children. Even when I'm dragging myself to the studio with a 5 shot Americano and my pajama pants still on from the night before... I start teaching and everything's better because of them. Don't get me wrong, I AM TOUGH! But greatness comes from work ethic and that is what I teach my students. At the end of the day no matter what pique we couldn't exactly perfect, or which supporting leg still wasn't to our best potential, it's always a hug.  

Disclaimer part 2: Didn't proof read sorry guys. 5:00am is a new record.

Topic 2: Appreciation and respect for the people who care about you.

This world is wack. I do not understand how people can purposely talk poorly about other's behind their backs. There is so many other amazing things to experience in this world and you are wasting your time doing that because? Worry about yourself and karma will take it's turn. If someone gives you a piece of their heart and time then take it and run with it. I remember when I was 8 years old and was playing in a soccer tournament. (I know right.) Our team was getting scored on multiple times. So a few girls including myself went over to her and started picking on her for missing the ball. As I'm walking away I hear a piercing whistle & "ALEXA MOFFETT" multiple times from the sidelines. It was my dad. (Also known as dance dad, not soccer dad.) He grabbed my arm and told me  to apologize now and to go tell my coach we were leaving the championship game due to my poor behavior and disrespect for my teammate. (This is def the PG version of how mad my dad was, LOL.) My coach tried to condone my behavior and say "other girls were apart of the confrontation as well." From that moment on I stopped crying and begging to stay, because I had learned something. You can only control yourself and what I did was bullying. This was a team sport and I had let my team down. I ran off the field to the car and continued to cry. My dad met me at this point and told me that he hopes I learned my lesson and was deserving of the consequence. I did, I never wanted anyone to feel the way that goalie had in my life. And specifically me being apart of the reason. That is why I teach my students respect. You are not handed things in life. Your mom can not pay for your solo to be good, you work for it to be. (Deserved italics right there.) If you work for them you are much more grateful of the things you have earned. I still appreciate this moment in my life. I wish more people could experience this and respect was enforced in their daily lives. Stop the negative competing and be proud of who you are. Don't second guess someones intentions and trust them to run with your heart as well. Amazing things will happen.

"Never push a loyal person to the point where they no longer care."

If you give a dance teacher a task they will...

Always deliver. We strive too much for being our best. But hey that's what makes us the best kind of people. Here's a few questions I've received to answer! I'm going to do a few a blog!

#alexascurrentlife WOW

1. What is your relationship like with Addy and your family?

Moffett like it's hot! Haha my family is insane. But I wouldn't have it any other way. I'm appreciative that my mom still does my laundry and can whip up a costume in under 24 hours due to my habit of procrastination. I'm grateful that my dad likes to post embarrassing things about me on his instagram and still knows the way to my heart is a good shopping trip. I'm thankful for my brother, Caden, for being a boy because I honestly don't know how I would survive with a ten year old dancer girl as a sibling. And then there's Addy. WOW. Haha I'm kidding. There's no one else I would rather be stuck with. Sisters by blood, sisters by brain, sisters by heart, I would do anything in the world for this kid. Except solo choreography. She always gets the 3am slot so I prefer that time for blogging. ;) 

2. How did you meet Molly?

Molly and I met at WCDE nationals! Crazy it's been 2 and a half years! I actually approached her to possibly come and set some numbers on my kids. See I'm just like you all too guys! I actually had stocked her via YouTube for a bit and came down to watch all of their numbers live. I even was mad when her choreography didn't take home 1st overall platinum diamond you rock in every category. She brushed my comment off, LOL nothing's changed. Kidding "WOW!" I then ended up messaging her on Facebook and didn't receive a response for awhile. After we set a date we still didn't even know much about each other. We would like Facebook posts of dance and that's about it. When she came to set choreography I brought her a salad and some cookies and bam. Mini teacher besties were born. We both didn't realize how much we were "the same" until those cookies. We started texting back and forth about choreography opinions and then decided to take over the world one body roll and scorpion at a time. But really it was just how you all meet friends! Destiny! I couldn't imagine my life without her. I feel like I'm writing about a relationship and am totally okay with that! Hahahaha! Love you MOLLY LONG you are one of the best things in my entire life! XOXOXO

Well I feel as if this post has been my least sarcastic post yet and I think it's still because of my candle. I hope that we're friends on Facebook too. And snapchat, twitter, the goods. But mostly because I appreciate you ALL and you are the reason I continue what I'm doing! Your support honestly means the world to me. XOXOXOXOXOXOXO

Life is a quote.

"Everything we judge in others is something within ourselves we don't want to face."
"You really can do whatever you want."
"You are who you are when know one is looking." 

Friday, January 2, 2015

Happy Year of "1" and "Quotes"

"We NEVER go out of style."

But we may or may not.

*Disclaimer my 3:00am grammar is def not on squad today. 

It's 2k15 and I may or may not still be a dance teacher. I may or may not still have a shopping addiction and I may or may not still be living this comedy horror story day by day. But I'm pretty sure all of these statements are still true. New year, same lost Alexa Moffett soul. Partly due to not feeling like myself recently. Partly because the completion of my work has been such a blur. Lastly because there has been quite a few big changes in my life and although they are for the better, change is new. Don't get me wrong I am grateful for change, I think that life is unpredictable. If you feel too secure in your surrounding's then something new must come your way. Maybe that's just my preference but it works. 

Before I vent more about my confusion entering the New Year, ex. the struggle to buy the Prada or schedule the private lessons (I'm kidding), you must know about my recent obsession. T-SWIFT HERSELF. People I don't care if you're a music fan or nah you must hop on my fangirling moment here. My 2nd moment since Andi Dorfman of the Bachelorette. (PS if any of you have a connection to her I will give you free solos for life.) But simply Taylor is a great lady. In my next life I hope to be half as great as her. Besides having 1989 on repeat since it leaked on YouTube, I admire her commitment to her lifestyle. I wish that I could sit down at Starbucks and girl talk for hours about the power of passionate, hard working, young women and how they are completely changing the world everyday. Specifically our generation. As you can see I really think highly and look up to her. I hope that in my somewhat lost life I can find it in myself to become one of those women. Maybe not on her level but I will give up anything it takes to achieve this goal.

Do you ever feel like you're taking 2 steps forward and 3 steps back? Well I feel like I'm taking .1 steps forward and 19 steps back. I can't seem to get a grip on my life. So I think that will be my NY's resolution. I'm not quite sure what you would name that but if it gets me back on my feet then it's done. I feel as if I'm caught up in so many different "me's" that I'm not sure which life I want to excel at. Guys it really is hard. It's almost like I have multiple personalities and am playing a large game of #AlexaMoffettLife. Wow. *Word of the year. That was very dramatic. But really all I'm asking of you Alexa is to be 3 people at once and 9 places at once. 

Words of the year:



Adding "INTENSE" to every sentence

You should use them. Esp "wow" it comes in handy for everything. Wow.

Don't you hate when you're misunderstood? Why must it be necessary to constantly think someone is out to get you? I for one am extremely honest with what I think. Once again the Leo in me. I do what I feel is priority to me. Which is almost 100 percent of the time putting other people before myself. If I think something I'll say it. I constantly live by "if you don’t want the truth than don’t ask."

On a scale of 1 to 10 how bad would a 3:11am taco be right now?

I am very fortunate for the unbelievable opportunities I have in my life. I am humbled by the interest for my work and that truly is an amazing feeling. Sometimes I am overwhelmed but then I remember what if my life wasn’t like this? What if I was a normal 21 year old hanging on at the bar searching for in the moment love? 

TBH haven't opened any of my Christmas gifts. I don't like things given to me, I just like giving. So if you want them please stop by between the hours of 1:00am and 5:00am tomorrow. 

I do this insane thing called "search for quotes that apply to your life and screenshot every one until you fill your camera roll." It's quite the job. But these quotes get me through my days. Some of my favorites for the new year...

"How will you know if it's the right decision if you never make it?"
"You are going to come across people in your life who will inspire you, love you, and change you. And that is a rare thing, but every once in awhile you will come across someone who will completely rob you from your sleep and those are the people who are just too beautiful to put into words." -R.M. Drake
"I may be crazy, but all the best people are."

Highlight's of 2k14:

  • #theintensive
  • Latch
  • iPhone count 12+
  • KalaniAddy is born
  • DigiTour
  • 1989
  • Teen Choice 
  • Finally 21 (Old)
  • RED
  • Having a friend boy for .5 seconds
  • AGT
  • Vegas Nationals
  • Creation of baby minis
  • Prada on fleek 
  • You guys

I COULDN'T IMAGINE MY LIFE W/O YOU ALL. Mostly because if you're reading this you think that I'm joking but really this is my electronic life vomit that I love sharing with this insane world. Please comment what you want on this blog. I try to keep up and as soon as my new aromatherapy candle is lit I will get on it. Wow.