Thursday, October 2, 2014

The Insomnia Post. Alexa's Absurd Dance Lyfe.

The 3am hour strikes again. 

I am starting this blog despite having still procrastinated on completing any of my to-do list including my 21,167 unread emails. But it is completely necessary. Who doesn't want to read about an over thinking, coffee driven, sleep deprived, dance mom disoriented, anything but average 21 year old? This life is unlike anything you have watched in the movies. Basically a comedy horror plot if that even exists. It does because I live it every day. Guys I am obviously exaggerating the situation but it is quite a story. Where to begin...

The parents, Mark and Diane, attempted enrolling Miss independent Alexa in dance class at age 3. But were automatically shot down when it came to choosing between taking your new pierced earrings out or taking your recital picture. Of course I chose fashion (as always) and left without a single tear. I therefore kept my parents busy with participating in every other sport possible. Cartwheeling in the softball outfields, chatting with my friends in soccer, attending one track meet considering you start running at 7:00am (who does that?!), gymnastics for the trophies (duh), ice skating which I complained of the freezing temperature every session, bossing around my friends on play dates, and the list went on. My next option was mall walking with Mark's credit card but was shut down from that. My Dad, working in retail, met new people everyday and one of his clients suggested I audition to be apart of a competitive dance team. I agreed not knowing it would open my eyes to a whole new world. 

I unknowingly started this insane lifestyle at the age of 10 years old. Which most people would actually consider a late start of a dancer. I didn't think so. Well I mostly didn't even understand what I was getting myself into besides doing the splits "hurt", what in the world is a "triple time step", and a "piro" huh? I auditioned for the team and somehow made it. My teachers told my parents "we're not sure what we're going to do with her, but she has a cute smile so we'll see." I started the following week in my purple velvet leotard I insisted on purchasing for my first official day.

Walking into the studio I was bewildered to be greeted by eleven 7 year olds dressed in full tan tights and sleek black leotards. I immediately thought I had attended the wrong class. I waited frantically and was surprised when the instructor called my name during attendance. I felt out of place being 10 years old with a bunch of 7 year old children. As we started the class I started to feel even more unconfident in myself. These girls could turn, jump, and battement every way around me. I was more lost than a high school freshman with her recent crush. Most things usually came naturally to me but this was something I couldn't fake. I expectantly cried the entire way home hoping I would never have to go back to that evil place again. My parents had always let me have the easy way out, being their oldest and very self-reliant. This time they were not budging. I had committed and I was staying whether I liked it or not. 

Alexa's absurd dance life Part 1 to be continued. I can promise you this story has a point and a lesson. Maybe it doesn't. But I think you'll actually be surprised on how this comedy horror movie came to be. I don't know when I'll write next but I do know this is a lot more entertaining than my emails and texts. So most likely very soon. I don't even know how I advertise this thing or people follow this blog. But I appreciate if you've read and I don't even care if you just scanned like I would probably do (too many words). What I do know is deep down in this plot I love what I do and I am the person I am today because of this lifestyle I live. 

Quote: "Judge your success by what you had to give up in order to get it."

The only thing missing from this blog is emojis. I will work on that.

Alexa XO


  1. A am also a dance teacher/ choreographer/ stylist/ mentor/ dancer/ star on the rise / ...... You name it! I think you have become an amazing choreographer and your story is very much like mine :) I absolutely love what I do so I know how you feel. Keep up the great job. Hope to meet up with you alone my travels in this crazy dance life we live.

  2. Your blog is really cool, quick question:
    Does it still hurt when you do the splits now because I can do them and every time it kills!!

  3. You are lucky because in your country dance is a lifestyle!
    I'm 21 years old girl from Spain, I started flamenco lessons at the age of 3, but I didn't like it, so at the age of 10 my mum enrolled me on ballet. Nowadays I'm ballet dancer, choreographer, and teacher. I'm not a professional, I do all of this for free, it's a big sacrifice but I do it because I love it.
    My family not considered dance as a job, it's just a hobby, I have to study and dance at the same time, so that's the reason because I can't focus and improve on dance.
    Alexa you should be proud of you!
    Something who started with a "cute smile", now is a successfully lifestyle!
    You are more than a dance teacher

  4. I used to be a dancer I miss it heaps. I can't believe your 21 and going place with your dance teaching I watch Kalani addy that's how I found you. And I watch dance moms. There is more to come and I'm so proud of how far you have come so far

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